


ABA versus TEACCH: the case for defining and validating comprehensive treatment models in autism. - PubMed - NCBI

自閉症への介入プログラムは様々あるが、それらの中でも有名なABAとTEACCHに焦点をあててそれらの社会的妥当性(social validity)を検討した論文。

Social validity can be generally defined as consumer satisfaction with the goals, procedures, and outcomes of programs and interventions.(p.75)


この論文では、著者らの以前の研究で行ったsocial validation surveyの各項目に「ABA」、「TEACCH」、「その両方」のどれを一番代表しているかコーディングした上で、そのコードを独立変数として各項目の点数に影響を与えているかを検討している。






Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disablities

SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class journal research

Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities (FOCUS) offers practical educational and treatment suggestions for teachers, trainers, and parents of persons with autism or other pervasive developmental disabilities. FOCUS offers original research reports, position papers reflecting diverse philosophical and theoretical positions, effective intervention procedures, descriptions of successful programs, and media reviews.

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders - Springer

The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders is the leading peer-reviewed, scholarly periodical focusing on all aspects of autism spectrum disorders and related developmental disabilities. Published monthly, JADD is committed to advancing the understanding of autism, including potential causes and prevalence (e.g., genetic, immunological, environmental); diagnosis advancements; and effective clinical care, education, and treatment for all individuals. Studies of diagnostic reliability and validity, psychotherapeutic and psychopharmacological treatment efficacy, and mental health services effectiveness are encouraged. JADD also seeks to promote the well-being of children and families by publishing scholarly papers on such subjects as health policy, legislation, advocacy, culture and society, and service provision as they pertain to the mental health of children and families. Review articles are solicited in targeted areas of special interest; book and media reviews provide targeted updates on important new materials; and the Ask the Editor column serves as a forum for addressing timely questions of relevance to JADD’s broad readership.

International Journal of Developmental Disabilities


The IJDD publishes scientific articles on work dealing with different approaches to the habilitation problems of people with an intellectual disability. The Journal covers the entire spectrum of intellectual disabilities, and is concerned with definitions, IQ, genetic predisposition, evaluation of abilities, learning interventions, challenging behaviour, medication, attitudes to death and bereavement, sexuality, legal aspects, WHO, NICE and other governmental guidelines, care in the community, advocacy, stress and coping strategies for families and carers - though this is not an exhaustive list. The unifying theme is that all of these aspects should be of practical help for those with intellectual disabilities or those caring for persons with intellectual disabilities. Emphasis is placed on the practical implications of the work of educationists, instructors, nurses, occupational and other therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers, whether taking place in a hospital setting or in community care.

The Journal accepts contributions from anywhere in the world but they must be written in acceptable and fluent English, avoiding technical jargon as far as possible in view of the wide readership. The IJDD puts much emphasis on the practical application of scientific findings, and prospective contributors should keep in mind that acceptance of a manuscript for publication will depend to a great extent on its direct relevance to habilitation work. Readers of the IJDD expect that articles should give them some scientific help and insight in their practical work.

International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders

International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders - Wiley Online Library

The International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders (IJLCD) is the official journal of the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists. The Journal welcomes submissions on all aspects of speech, language, communication disorders and speech and language therapy. It provides a forum for the exchange of information and discussion of issues of clinical or theoretical relevance in the above areas.

The Journal, established in 1966, publishes a range of articles, including research reports, reviews, discussions and clinical fora, as well as editorials or commentaries commissioned by the editors. Research reports from both quantitative and qualitative frameworks are encouraged but must have appropriate and clear methodology and thoroughly analysed and interpreted results.

American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology

American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology | ASHA Publications | American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology | ASHA Publications

AJSLP publishes peer-reviewed research and other scholarly articles on all aspects of clinical practice in speech-language pathology. The journal is an international outlet for clinical research pertaining to screening, detection, diagnosis, management, and outcomes of communication and swallowing disorders across the lifespan as well as the etiologies and characteristics of these disorders. Because of its clinical orientation, the journal disseminates research findings applicable to diverse aspects of clinical practice in speech-language pathology. AJSLP seeks to advance evidence-based practice by disseminating the results of new studies as well as providing a forum for critical reviews and meta-analyses of previously published work.

The broad field of speech-language pathology, including aphasia; apraxia of speech and childhood apraxia of speech; aural rehabilitation; augmentative and alternative communication; cognitive impairment; craniofacial disorders; dysarthria; fluency disorders; language disorders in children; speech sound disorders; swallowing, dysphagia, and feeding disorders; and voice disorders.

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis - Wiley Online Library

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis is a psychology journal that publishes research about applications of the experimental analysis of behavior to problems of social importance.

Remedial and Special Education

SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class journal research

Remedial and Special Education (RSE) offers interdisciplinary articles that bridge the gap between theory and practice involving the education of individuals for whom typical instruction is not effective. Articles include topical reviews, syntheses of research, field evaluation studies, and recommendations for practice of remedial and special education.This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention


Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention (EBCAI) brings together professionals who work in clinical and educational practice as well as researchers from all disciplines to promote evidence-based practice (EBP) in serving individuals with communication impairments.

The primary aims of EBCAI are to:
Promote evidence-based practice (EBP) in communication assessment and intervention;
Appraise the latest and best communication assessment and intervention studies so as to facilitate the use of research findings in clinical and educational practice;
Provide a forum for discussions that advance EBP; and
Disseminate research on EBP.
We target speech-language pathologists, special educators, regular educators, applied behavior analysts, clinical psychologists, physical therapists, and occupational therapists who serve children or adults with communication impairments.

Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs(JORSEN)

Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs - Wiley Online Library

Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs (JORSEN) is an established online forum for the dissemination of international research on special educational needs. JORSEN aims to:

Publish original research, literature reviews and theoretical papers on meeting special educational needs

Create an international forum for researchers to reflect on, and share ideas regarding, issues of particular importance to them such as methodology, research design and ethical issues

Reach a wide multi-disciplinary national and international audience through online publication


Effectiveness of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) on Communication and Speech for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Meta-Analysis | American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology | ASHA Publications





また、PECSの効果に影響を与える介入前の被験者要因として、共同注意(joint attensiton)、探索行動(object exploration)、模倣(imitation)の3つの要因が影響を及ぼす可能性が示唆されているが、これについても今後の研究において関係性を解明していくことが必要だと主張されている。

In summary, the overall effectiveness of the PECS approach for communication outcomes with children with ASD is promising although not yet established. Evidence for the effectiveness of the approach on speech out comes is not as strong.(p.190)



Focus on Autism and Developmental Disablitiesの最新号のabstractを流し読みしていたら、次のような書き方を見つける。

According to the visual analyses, students performed better with adapted and interactive video clips.

Evmenova, Graff, Behrmannによる、 Providing Access to Academic Content for High-School Students With Significant Intellectual Disability Through Interactive Videos. という論文。


B. F. Skinner以来の伝統で、単一事例実験のデータは統計的方法に頼らず、グラフの読み取りによって解釈されてきており、現在も基本的にそう状況に変わりはない。すなわち、処遇の効果がグラフから一目瞭然であれば特に統計的分析を加えなくてもよいというのが、単一事例実験家の中での基本的な了解事項となっている。

このグラフの視覚的な読みとりを英語で書くと "According to the visual analyses"になるようだ。





Multiple Probe Design

710 06 Multiple Baseline_Multiple Probe Designs











散布図にラベルをつけて遊んでみる - 猫も杓子も構造化






> 回帰結果 <- lm(平均給与月額 ~ 平均勤続年数)
> 残差 <- residuals(回帰結果)


> cor(残差,平均勤続年数)


> 都道府県と残差 <- data.frame(都道府県,残差)
> 都道府県と残差[order(都道府県と残差$残差), ]


   都道府県         残差
38  愛   媛 -22.62874924
25  滋   賀 -22.03543718
42  長   崎 -17.71294516
40  福   岡 -16.88999525
20  長   野 -15.91871732
26  京   都 -13.39956927
8   茨   城 -11.30625721
41  佐   賀  -9.30245535
32  島   根  -8.80002716
19  山   梨  -8.57084720
3   岩   手  -6.75124126
47  沖   縄  -6.13255110
43  熊   本  -5.52251918
16  富   山  -5.33497929
12  千   葉  -4.48710917
17  石   川  -4.38330730
10  群   馬  -3.93163532
1    北海道  -3.82251918
46   鹿児島  -2.39045314
35  山   口  -1.86993142
44  大   分  -1.84789729
45  宮   崎  -1.82874924
30   和歌山  -1.69668319
39  高   知  -1.30579932
29  奈   良   0.06790679
22  静   岡   0.22246486
21  岐   阜   0.33872683
24  三   重   0.78128268
18  福   井   0.79085670
6   山   形   0.81334873
11  埼   玉   1.38416876
14   神奈川   1.84541477
28  兵   庫   3.43295467
7   福   島   5.66456282
33  岡   山   6.53918472
36  徳   島   6.73538286
9   栃   木   7.03249677
27  大   阪   7.35453090
31  鳥   取  10.14541477
34  広   島  11.32626672
23  愛   知  14.99997284
2   青   森  15.67748082
4   宮   城  16.56547860
37  香   川  19.39420068
13  東   京  19.91912089
5   秋   田  20.90954686
15  新   潟  25.92961069


統計的消去で擬似相関を見抜こう! - ほくそ笑む
ああああ: R: sort と order の違い