


臨床心理学の臨床(clinical)という言葉を最初に使ったのは、Witmerという心理学者でこの人はヴントのもとで実験心理学で博士号をとった人のようである。この人はドイツからアメリカのペンシルバニアに戻ったあとで、psychological clinicを作ったことで知られている。


そのウィトマーが1907年に自身が創刊したPsychological Clinicという雑誌で次のようにclinicalの意味を述べている。

While the term "clinical" has been borrowed from medicine, clinical psychology is not a medical psychology. I have borrowed the word "clinical" from medicine, because it is the best term I can find to indicate the character of the method which I deem necessary for this work. Words seldom retain their original significance, and clinical medicine, is not what the word implies,-the work of a practicing physician at the bedside of a patient. The term "clinical" implies a method, and not a locality. When the clinical method in medicine was established on a scientific basis, mainly through the efforts of Boerhaave at the University of Leiden, its development came in response to a revolt against the philosophical and didactic methods that more or less dominated medicine up to that time. Clinical psychology likewise is a protestant against a psychology that derives psychological and pedagogical principles from philosophical speculations and against a psychology that applies the results of laboratory experimentation directly to children in the school room.

Classics in the History of Psychology -- Witmer (1907)



【参考】 ウィトマーが「clinical」に込めた思い | 日本心理学会